12-Step Social Media Program for PR Pros « PR, New Media, GTD – Lines from Lee
I love it – a 12 step program for PR pros. Too funny.
Tags: pr, socialmedia, dailylinks
FOWA: We’ve Got This Community: Now What? (Heather Champ & Derek Powazek) at Climb to the Stars (Stephanie Booth)
Great notes from Future of Web Apps session with Heather Champ and Derek Powazek – two of the smartest people in community development around.
Tags: community, presentation, dailylinks
Ray Hopewood – The Technology to be President
Hilarious parody site – selling tech by making fun of the political process. Nice work.
This project is FAR different from the fake blogs setup to trick people into believing something is truthful when it’s just marketing. This is fun, it’s marked as such.
Tags: humor, socialmedia, politics, dailylinks