2008: Year of the Kick Ass

While I like the idea of New Year’s Resolutions, I never seem to a) track them through to the end of the year to judge success, or b) follow through much past the third week of January (perhaps the reason I never end up tracking them at year’s end).

There’s lots of discussion about what people would like to see in the industry in 2008, Geoff and Ben are just a couple. Instead of sharing what I’d like to do in 2008, I thought I’d share what I will do in 2008.

1. Stay Inspired.

I’ve been working on “community stuff” for nearly 8 years now and find myself struggling to stay interested. Yes, I still believe I have one of the best jobs in the world (save Pool Boy at the Playboy Mansion, or Mr. Scarlett Johansson) but I’m also a challenge junkie. Community work was a different ballgame a few year ago when it was “new” and “unknown”.

So this year, I’m taking on two new projects are that both grand in scale, huge challenges, and exactly what I want to do when I watch this video and my blood starts jumping with excitement. (More on both of these projects soon)

2. Helping out

Kinda cliché, I know, but in 2008 I want to give back. While I’m not at all flush with cash at this point in the startup biz, that’s exactly the time when karma dictates that I should help out. I’ve already determined that I’ll be funding at least one Kiva loan per month this year.

It’s not just about money this year either, it’s about the time. Whether it’s bugging my sister to let me watch her kids while she and the husband go out, or spending more time answering email/blog/twitter/LinkedIn Answers questions people have, I’m your huckleberry. And speaking of which…

3. Less speaking, more doing

Both in 2006 and 2007, I spoke at quite a few events. These events were great for meeting a ton of people, sharing my vision for customer interaction future, and learning a ton about what others are doing. But they are also a huge drain on my mental resources, and keep me away from the house (and the baby) far more than I’d like.

Over the holiday break, I did a great deal of soul searching and realized that my favorite part of the speaking gigs is always the Q&A, either at the end or throughout the session, depending on the particular session. So this year, I’ll be declining more speaking engagements than I normally do and putting that same time and energy into other methods of participation, including:

  • One of the two projects mentioned in point #1 above (more later)
  • More (well, better) blogging on Community Guy
  • Increased frequency of participation in discussion like this one
  • The addition of the “Ask the Community Guy” feature here on this blog.

Sounds like a lot, but when I’m not spending so much time in airports or at conferences, it shouldn’t be an issue!

4. Improve my photography

I’ve been an aspiring wannabe photog for some time now. 2008 will be the year that I get good. I have a stack of how-to books that I’ve been trying to get to, have a really great new all-purpose lens in the mail, and a one-on-one instructor just waiting for me to schedule with her. I also will be participating as much as I can in projects like 26 things (or an alternative if they’re now gone).

UPDATE: Photojojo.com has posted 19 New Years Resolutions for your photography. Clearly I’m not alone on this one.

5. Maintain my optimism

As wonderful a year as 2007 was, there were several issues that gave my eternal optimism a run for its money. I’m the kind of person who, in the face of disaster, has a hard time thinking of anything but the opportunity that disaster presents. (“Yes, I know your house just burned to the ground, but think of how much fun it will be to spend the insurance money on brand new furniture!”) I like that about myself and I’ll be damned if any silly issues are going to take that away, or even threaten to do so. I’m sure this will help keep me on track.
There’s more I’d like to include, but that’s more than enough to keep me busy this year.

So what about you? What are you going to be doing this year?


For information about my Community Consulting, Training and Speaker services, or to find out more about Dinner5, my unique community for community builders, contact me today.

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