Firemonger is a project to "Help spread Firefox. Download this CD, burn it and give it to your friends and family".
The Firemonger project is an attempt to create a multilingual easy-to-use compilation CD with Firefox™,™ (more about Firefox) and the best extensions, themes and utilities. Both of these programs have been created through collaboration overseen by the Mozilla Foundation and are free for use by anyone. Over time it has been created and contributed to by many people who enjoy using Firefox and Thunderbird and want to spread the word. As most people interested in the Internet and software already know about Firefox we especially aim to make our CD easy for the average person to install and learn everything they need to know about Firefox and Thunderbird. Our CD has become a way for Firefox users to convert their friends.
Very cool open source marketing idea.
Have I mentioned how much I like Firefox?? If you’re not using it, you’re crazy!