Small things can have big effects. This YouTube video would have been a great spot, honest, believable, well-placed. But the addition of music in the background makes it scream: polished, unreal, “this is where our political contributions go”.
‘How ‘Balanced’ Coverage Lets the Scientific Fringe Hijack Reality” – interesting article about the negatives of journalistic strive for balance. Relevant to previous discussion about wikipedia.
A social network for survey takers. Yeah!
From my new favorite site, an article about the value of the relative time spent with new social sites/tools. Personally, I too have trouble keeping up with all the online social activities AND running a business. And this is what I do for a living!
Great read. What are you waiting for? Stupid.
Here’s another social site I’m actually interested in signing up for.
Wow. Very impressive.
Too bad he doesn’t believe in Evolution… he could then hope this audience evolves into a real crowd…
It’s great to see stuff like this – imagine going back in time and trying to explain the iPhone to the same person who really needed this manual!
“Deepening the Orbitz commitment to keep travelers “A Step Ahead” OrbitzTLC Traveler Update is a new, user-generated service enabling travelers to share real-time information regarding what’s happening in and around the nation’s top airports.”
My buddy Chris gets the “I’m famous” treatment. Check out the interview