Alright, enough is enough. If I hear one more thing about the $627 million of lost productivity due to the Star Wars movie release, I’m going to scream.
Lost productivity is an assumption anyway, but in this case, it’s the wrong thing to focus on. The media, in their desire to negatize absolutely everything for a juicier story, are creating a story where none exists.
The fact is, we may be “losing” $627 million today, but how much was more money was earned (via increased productivity) all week, perhaps all month, while fans and non-fans alike got all excited about today? It’s pretty obvious that happy employees make better, more productive employees, right? So why not research that number too? Wouldn’t it be great if a loss of $627m today was oftset by a gain of $2 billion or something over the course of the week?
And by the way, I’ve been working my tail off this week so that I can take the afternoon off to go stand in line to get a great seat for the movie this evening.