Back-Up Your Mac, Effortlessly – Pogue’s Posts – Technology – New York Times Blog
David Pogue reviews Apple’s Time Capsule device. I’ve never been so excited about data backup!
Tags: apple, gadgets, dailylinks
Taco Bell – Direct Daniella
Taco Bell has a very interesting Flash application out that runs video while allow you to “snap photographs” of the model. Yes, the model is a woman in a bikini, so think what you will about that aspect. But the application concept is very cool and can (and should) be applied in lots of other contexts!
Tags: photography, flash, marketing2.0, dailylinks
BOOM BLOX at Nintendo :: Games
After a weekend of playing Wii MarioKart with my nieces, I know I have Wii on the brain, but this game looks really fun!
Tags: gaming, wii, dailylinks