We’ve been hearing for a while that Yahoo! Photos was going away and Flickr (yeah!) would replace it. But I just got a notification from Yahoo! that the time has come.
Interestingly, the Flickr attitude must be infecting the Yahoo! team… they’re suggesting that if Flickr isn’t for you, then check out one of their competitors. (Interestingly they point out the competition but don’t link to them – very sly)
Dear Yahoo! Photos user,
For some time now, we’ve supported two great photo sharing services: Yahoo! Photos and Flickr. But even good things come to an end, and we’ve decided to close Yahoo! Photos to focus all our efforts on Flickr — the award-winning photo sharing community that TIME Magazine has called "completely addictive."
We will officially close Yahoo! Photos on Thursday, September 20, 2007, at 9 p.m. PDT. Until then, we are offering you the opportunity to move to another photo sharing service (Flickr, KODAK Gallery, Shutterfly, Snapfish, or Photobucket), download your original-resolution photos back to your computer, or buy an archive CD from our featured partner (for users of the New Yahoo! Photos only). All you need to do is tell us what to do with your photos before we close, after which any photos remaining on Yahoo! Photos will be deleted and no longer accessible.
Of course, we hope you’ll join us at Flickr (you can even use your Yahoo! ID), but we also realize that Flickr may not be for everyone. In the end, we want you to find the service that’s right for you, and we hope you take some time to learn more about your options before making this important decision.
Please give us your decision by Thursday, September 20, 2007, at 9 p.m. PDT. After that time, any photos remaining in Yahoo! Photos will be deleted. Click here to make your decision, or review a list of our frequently asked questions.
Thanks for being a part of the Web’s largest photo sharing service — we hope to see you over at Flickr!
The Yahoo! Photos team