Martin, the blogger at the wonderful Community Spark blog recently posted a wonderful article, “Why your online community is like a beautiful woman“. Considering that most of my presentations have some connection to the idea that community is about relationship building, this struck a cord.
I’m already thinking about how I might be able to work this concept into future presentations. Thanks, Martin; hope you don’t mind!
- Treat her well and you will be rewarded
- Keep her interested
- Beauty has to be seen to be appreciated
- Being beautiful doesn’t make you popular
- Beauty is not a substitute for personality
- You will not always get along
- You will have to deal with jealousy
The full article is well worth the read, so hop over there.
UPDATE: Elisa has taken me (and Martin, the author of this post) to task for using the word “beautiful” as part of this post. While I respect and welcome her opinion, I don’t agree with it at all. There’s something powerful about saying “beautiful woman” versus just simply “woman” (or man, as Martin originally stated). It adds a significance to the concept that doesn’t inherently exist simply be saying “woman” or “man”. We’ve all had that experience of pushing ourselves to be better people, to pay more attention, to drive ourselves on a more positive path as we pursue someone we’re attracted to.
What is beauty? Is beauty incorrectly conceived in this society? All good questions, but not in relation to this post. The analogy is on target, and Martin does a great job of explaining why in the comments.