A while back I talked to Fabio Cipriani about my corporate LEGO blog for a book he was writing. It’s out now, and I just got my copy today. Looks like a good book, but since I don’t read anything but English, I can’t really tell!
Also on the "tooting my own horn" front, Forbes this month has my buddy Soren Lund on the cover. Soren was a colleague at LEGO who is in charge of the LEGO Mindstorms project. He’s on the cover in no small part due to the sucess of the Mindstorms User Panel that brought adult fans into the development cycle.
As the head of US public relations for LEGO told me this past weekend – the reason the Mindstorms NXT product launch is getting so much attention isn’t as much about the product itself. The story is about the community involvment and the open approach LEGO has taken with third parties.
Kudos to Soren. He’s certainly earned it.