
Friday Goodness

The Friday Finds has been a bit slow lately, but that’s going to change. I’m back in the game! Guy Kawasaki’s blog – If you’re

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Great Johnnie Quote

I love this bit from Johnnie Moore: Here’s my effort: A company that lets its people blog is like a drink on the rocks. There

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Friday Finds

I’m going to do my best to get into a new habit of doing a link dump of the cool things I stumbled over or

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Friday funny

Q: How many Internetters does it take to change a light bulb?  A: 435,235 1 – to change the bulb 4 – to tell him

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Friday Fun

It’s a bit late, but it makes this comic no less funny – Standing in line for Star Wars Episode III. The best part of

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Friday Finds

It’s been quite a week for community around the Web. I’ve found a bunch of stuff of interest throughout the week and I’ve been too

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