Crispin Porter scores again: Burger King Freakout

Imagine this: You hate commercials, hate them with the fiery passion of 10 suns. That 30 second spot, applied directly to the forehead, makes you hit the Tivo fastforward button with the speed of Zeus. (Easy to imagine, right?)

Then along comes a 7+ minute commercial and not only do you watch it (online, of course), you immediately shut down your computer and get in the car to go buy the goods being pitched. I’m living proof, as I eat my Whopper and write this entry, that Crispin Porter is a bunch of damn geniuses. After watching the video below, I literally got in the car to go to Burger King. Then came home and blogged about it.

As much as I might like to call this a 7+ minute commerical, it’s not really. It’s more content than anything. It was enjoyable, funny, and fun. I didn’t feel dirty for having been pitched to after watching it. (Brant also weighs in on this)

WARNING: Watching the video below may cause Whopper cravings. Consider yourselves warned.

{UPDATE: So maybe the genius tag was branded too soon… I’ve not had ANY luck getting the dang video to embed. The code they provided apparently has some sort of issue. In the meantime, head to for the video.}

{Update 2: Just to prove I actually visited Burger King earlier, I took a picture!}