links for 2007-09-10
GrandLuxe Rail Journeys Spend vastly more time and money getting from Point A to Point B, but have a better time along the way with
GrandLuxe Rail Journeys Spend vastly more time and money getting from Point A to Point B, but have a better time along the way with
Just a friendly, continued reminder that I could really use your help in voting up my SXSW panel proposal. If you don’t want to check
In the last two weeks, I’ve probably talked more about the how-tos and best practices of Wikipedia than all other discussions combined since Wikipedia’s launch.
Seth Godin, marketing guru/blogger with a huge audience recently posted “Jobs of the future, #1: Online Community Organizer“. What if you want to hire someone
TechBlog: Quechup and the abuse of trust Quechup has committed what amounts to cyber-terrorism… making me rethink the things I once thought were safe and
A Brief Message A great concept – opinions expressed in 200 words or less. Very cool, very effective. (tags: design writing inspiration) Techno//Marketer: Just say
Spyspace, Spookbook, and MySpy are just few of the names that the blogosphere has been jokingly throwing around about the new CIA DIA “A-Space” project.
Flickr: Photos from mike.irwin New Flickr find – fantastic photos from a very talented photographer! (tags: photography) A Bill of Rights for Users of the
Running a site called “Community Guy”, I’ve gotten a great many requests for help over the years from both employers looking for community people and
Bath and Body Works Interview | Bazaarblog User reviews change your business. OK, maybe it’s not that straightforward, but more and more we see the
Yes, once again I’ve spent quite a while digging through the site and have found some tasty selections for the new future. Rendition (Wow,
YouTube – Thank you! (Darcy Burner, Congressional Candidate) Small things can have big effects. This YouTube video would have been a great spot, honest, believable,
CX Sessions is a comfortable, casual virtual gathering I host once a month at no charge for senior-level community professionals across the country. I designed it as a free, small group, no-sales event where people can relax, relate, and get real about the challenges and rewards of customer communities. It has since expanded into two career development options, CX Sessions Professional and CX Sessions Mentor, which are 3-month, cohort-based programs designed to advance community-building skills for beginners and longtime leaders alike.
For information about my Community Consulting, Training and Speaker services, or to find out more about Dinner5, my unique community for community builders, contact me today.
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