What is Flickr
An interesting look at the question “What is Flickr“: I?ve been trying for a week or so to figure out what flickr is. I mean
An interesting look at the question “What is Flickr“: I?ve been trying for a week or so to figure out what flickr is. I mean
The author of the fantastic article in Wired recently, “The Long Tail“, now has a blog. Great reading.
“Saying Windows is equal to Macintosh is like finding a potato that looks like Jesus and believing you’ve witnessed the second coming.” – Guy Kawasaki
The FCC and FAA are discussing allowing cell phones on planes. Just when air travel seems to have become our national gripe, along comes a
In another stroke of Google genius (those two words more and more seem to be associated, don’t they?), they’ve released a pretty cool method of
One of the biggest issues I run into as a community evangelist is that every time I seem to make major progress with the community,
When talking to friends and industry associates about the ideas of “community” as relates to their businesses, I often hear “Yeah, that may work for
I was reading this post over on CreatingCustomerEvangelists.com about the fact that it’s nearly impossible to find a phone number to call Amazon. When I
Recently, Wired magazine ran an article about the phenomenon of fans creating their own ?commercials? for a product/service. Though his ad looks like it
Jason takes an interesting look at RSS advertising. The coolest part of this blog entry is the interview with the creators of the some of
From this article: Even after more than 35 years, there is a excitement surrounding the cars that toys usually enjoy only for a short time,
SmartMobs.com has an interesting look at some concepts for using social networks for marketing.
CX Sessions is a comfortable, casual virtual gathering I host once a month at no charge for senior-level community professionals across the country. I designed it as a free, small group, no-sales event where people can relax, relate, and get real about the challenges and rewards of customer communities. It has since expanded into two career development options, CX Sessions Professional and CX Sessions Mentor, which are 3-month, cohort-based programs designed to advance community-building skills for beginners and longtime leaders alike.